Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Beauty of Music

The yearning language of the soul.
A cosmic dialect,
so ancient, and yet so modern,
It transcends the desires of the flesh
to achieve the longing of the spirit.

From the alluring songs of the ancient sirens,
tempting the crew of brave Ulysses,
to the modern sanctums of sound and spectacle,
It plays to the view and voice of millions.
Music has, and will always be,
the one constant thread of man’s great tapestry.

Music’s forms are ever changing.
From the earthly rumble of the bass,
to the chilling tinkle of the glass,
this noble art has altered history
and carved a niche all Its own.

Some music is like water,
moving seamlessly from note to note.
As the silver tinkle of a stream,
It brings the mind both calm and comfort.
As the rolling rumble of the falls,
hidden vigor is released,
and wearied spirit is renewed. 

Some music is like ice.
Cold and piercing, It may be,
but always filled with greatest clarity.
As It courses through the body’s paths,
each nerve is honed to fine precision.
Those in slumber now arise,
and sight and sound are optimized.

Some music is like the earth,
with sounds as strong as solid stone,
and chords as deep as the old oak’s roots.
It pounds the senses like a rolling drum,
but grants a boon essential to all.
The mind is focused and full of force,
and the heart now swells with care and conviction.

Some music is like wind.
Be It austere or be It complex,
Its tone is always untroubled and playful.
As the gentle breeze of a summer day,
It brings a smile to the lips.
As the fast-paced gust of an autumn flurry,
joy bursts forth and the dance begins.

Some music is like fire.
It can stoke the passions long and slow,
or call forth a surge of ardor and zeal.
Husky tones ignite the senses,
calming and stimulating all at once.
When the artist pours forth their very soul,
the energy flows like new-minted lightning.

Some music is like light.
Its notes as pure as angel’s cries,
with tones and timbres kind and gentle.
As the warming rays of midday sun,
It drives away the pains of stress.
As the cooling glow of night’s full moon,
one feels joined with surrounding life.

Some music is like darkness.
It could be one of many forms,
from dreadful roars to piercing wails.
It may seem strange, and somehow ominous,
but renders life a vital service.
When one becomes detached and distant,
It jolts the mind back to the fore.

An art as old as humankind,
It still transcends all earthly boundaries.
Whether warm and richly measured,
or cool and light with swift progression,
music truly speaks to all.      

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