Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Book Review: A Kingdom Divided

Sequel to Raiders from the North (See [link])

If a single fault could be detected with part two of Alex Rutherford's new series, it would have nothing to do with the story itself. I had acquired this volume via the Internet, being so eager to continue the story, but unbeknownst to me, this book was not yet released by an American publisher and was titled differently (Brothers at War). Encountering the "official" version at Barnes & Noble sometime later, I was initially concerned that the plot and text may have been altered for American consumers. However, several quick skims revealed no significant deviations, and the story could now be fully appreciated.

With the death of Babur, control of the fragile Moghul Empire has now passed to his eldest son, Humayun. Almost immediately, however, his treasonous brothers launch plots to claim the empire for themselves. On his eastern frontier, Humayun must combat Sher Shah (another who desires to posses the throne), as well as battle his own personal demons of opium addiction.

Forced in to exile, Humayun wanders from northwest India to Afghanistan to Persia for over a decade, his only comforts being his new wife and the birth of his son, Akbar. After surviving battle, betrayal and the kidnapping of his heir, Humayun finally catches and punishes his brothers. With the now adolescent Akbar at his side, the exiled emperor finally reconquers his empire of Hindustan and is once again seated on the throne, only to die falling down stairs six months later.

Drawing the reader much further into the wealth and culture of India than the previous volume (which mainly focused on Central Asia), Rutherford has painted a colorful and magnificent picture of one of the greatest ruling families in world history, complete with all the rivalries, hopes, happiness and bitterness that would do a Shakespearean drama proud.

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