Friday, August 24, 2012

Cooking Tips 104

Tender Meat
A good way to ensure that your meat stays tender is to marinate it in something acidic. Depending on the flavors of the recipe you're using, this could include worcestershire sauce, balsamic vinegar, or even orange juice. A little olive oil never goes amiss either. Just be creative!

Sanitary Surfaces
When preparing vegetables and meat for the same meal, an important thing to keep in mind is the order of that preparation. Any surface (counter top, cutting board, plate, container ect...) or utensil (knives and other implements) used for raw meat should not be used for raw vegetables or other produce immediately afterwards without properly washing said surfaces and utensils. This will prevent the spread of harmful bacteria. The easiest approach is to prepare all the vegetables first (as long as the recipe allows it) and then move onto the meat, so everything only has to be washed once.

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